Photo Gallery
April 16, 2013 - MCW's 120th Anniversary Celebration Cocktail with the Mayor at City Hall
MCW was honored by a cocktail reception at the Hall of Honour in City Hall hosted by Mayor Michael Applebaum and Madame Émilie Thuillier, Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee (responsible for family, seniors, women and youth. This is the second event to celebrate the Council's 120 years working together with its 70 Federated Societies and over 80 Individual Members on improving the quality of life of Montrealers. Close to 100 members and friends attended and were warmly greeted by the Mayor, Madame Thuillier, several City councillors and the protocol and support staff of City Hall. The atmosphere was festive and Mayor Applebaum stayed to chat and have photos taken with MCW members. It was a wonderful occasion and enjoyed by everyone.
View photos of this event from the web album: MCW 120th Anniversary Cocktail with the Mayor at City Hall
December 7, 2012 - MCW's 26th Anniversary Celebration of the Woman of the Year Award
MCW members paid tribute to Shirley Rind Cohen as the Woman of the Year for 2012. Shirley is the former President of the Women’s Art Society of Montreal (which nominated her) and the American Women’s Club of Montreal. She was selected for her leadership in volunteerism in community services and support of the arts, and for her many accomplishments spanning a period of over 40 years. Shirley has also been an active member of the MCW and contributed to the making of its 100th Anniversary Tapestry.
View some photos of this event from the web photo album: MCW Woman of the Year Gala - December 7, 2012
November 1, 2012 - MCW Presents Cyberbullying with Guest Speaker, Maureen Baron
View some photos from the web photo album of this presentation by Maureen Baron: Cyberbullying
October 4, 2012 - MCW Celebrates October Women's History Month by Honouring Women Journalists in Montreal
View some photos from the web photo album of this special event: Honouring Women Journalists in Montreal
June 1-3, 2012 - The National Council of Women of Canada's Annual General Meeting View some photos from the web photo album of the visit to Rideau Hall and the NCWC's AGM meeting.: Tea at Rideau Hall and NCWC's AGM
April 28, 2012 - The Daughters of Penelope Appreciation Day - Honors Bonnie Stamos Destounis, Past President of MCW
The Daughters of Penelope, Meandros Chapter No. 168, ( paid tribute to six outstanding Montreal women who have contributed much to our community. Among them was our very own Bonnie Stamos Destounis, Past President of the Montreal Council of Women.
View some photos from the web photo album of this special event: The Daughters of Penelope Women's Appreciation Day
March 8, 2012 - MCW and Concordia Celebrate Loan of Centennial Tapestry on International Women's Day
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: MCW Centennial Tapestry Ceremony View the video of this event from Concordia website: MCW's Centennial Tapestry on loan to Concordia University
December 7, 2011 - MCW Attends Ginger Petty's Toy Tea at Ogilvy's Department Store
Ginger and a group of ladies began collecting and donating brand new toys for children for children in shelters who would not receive new toys during the holiday season. It was originally held in Ginger's home, but when it became too large, she began hosting it at Ogilvy's department store. Over 30 EMSB schools participated in the toy campaign to benefit these children. Several school choirs performed for the crowds with holiday songs. Ginger Petty is a Woman of the Year Recipient of 2006. To learn more about the Toy Tea: visit
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: Toy Tea at Ogilvy's
December 2, 2011 - MCW's 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Woman of the Year Award
On Friday, December 2, 2011, the Montreal Council of Women celebrated its 25th Woman of the Year Award Gala at the Mount Stephen Club in Montreal. Two of MCW's very own women were the recipients of this award. The Honourable Lucie PĂ©pin, retired Senator, and Dr. Mildred L. Burns, retired Associate Professor, Administration and Policy Studies in Education, McGill University, were chosen for their outstanding contributions in promoting the advancement of women. Over 150 members and guests attended to pay tribute to Lucie and Mildred. The MCW is proud to have Lucie PĂ©pin as its Honorary President and Mildred L. Burns as a long standing member who has served on the Board of Directors. View some photos of this event in this web photo album: The Recipients of WOTY Award More photos will be posted soon.
October 6, 2011 - MCW Celebration of Women's History Month ![]() On October 6, 2011, the Montreal Council of Women celebrated Women's History Month. The Honorable Lucie Pépin, MCW's Honorary President, opened the afternoon's activities with a delightful account about why October has been designated for Women. Following this, Monique Beaupré-Lazure, Regional Manager of Ovarian Cancer Canada, and Joanna Verthuy showed a very informative film about Ovarian Cancer. The highlight of the afternoon was a presentation by our guest speaker, Elizabeth Kirkland, a faculty member of Dawson, called "Silent Prayer, Delegations and Citizenship: The Early Years of the Montreal Council of Women". She talked about some of the fascinating women, in particular Lady Aberdeen (founder) and Lady Drummond (first President), who launched MCW in 1893 into becoming a strong advocacy group for addressing women's issues in our community. Finally, a toast to women was made by Mair Verthuy, retired Distinguished Full Professor Emerita of Concordia University, first Principal and founding member of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute and one of MCW's vivacious Councillors. Refreshments were served at the end of a delightful afternoon.
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: MCW Celebration of Women's History Month
May 5, 2011 - MCW Hosts a Special Canadian Citizenship Ceremony
Judge Giroux spoke about the meaning of the ceremony and becoming a Canadian citizen. She emphasized the importance of participating in community activities. Everyone raised their right hand to swear allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her heirs. The room resounded with the Canadian anthem. The atmosphere was joyous as each new citizen stepped forward to accept their citizenship papers, purple Irises and shake hands with Judge Giroux, her colleagues, Bonnie Destounis, MCW President, and Frances Gregory, MCW Convener of the Hostess Group and Lunches. At the close of the ceremony, everyone gathered in the reception hall for coffee, refreshments and snacks provided by MCW. Judge Giroux and an RCMP officer posed for photos with the new citizens. This was a truly enjoyable event!
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: MCW Hosts a Special Canadian Citizenship Ceremony
December 3, 2010 - MCW Woman of the Year 2010 Gala - 24th Anniversary
On December 3, 2010, MCW celebrated its 24th Woman of the Year Gala at the Mount Stephen Club in Montreal. Over 150 members and guests attended to pay tribute to The Honourable Eleni Bakopanos, PC, MP, BA (Hons), the winner of the 2010 WOTY Award, for excellence and achievement in Public Service. She is the Senior Director Government Relations at McGill University.
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: MCW Woman of the Year 2010 Gala - December 3, 2010
October 7, 2010 - MCW Celebration of Women's History Month
Painting: Famous Five by Artist Cheryl Braganza
View some photos of this event in this web photo album: MCW Celebration of Women's History Month - October 7, 2010.
September 2, 2010 - Tribute to Dr. Dorothy Abike Green-Wills, C.M.
On September 22, 2010, The Coloured Women's Club held a dinner in honor of Dr. Dorothy Abike Green-Wills in recognition of her outstanding professional and community services. Dr. Wills has received several awards of distinction, including Honorary Doctorates from Concordia, Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent universities. She has been an educator, social worker, activist and community leader and was the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Technologies at Vanier College. Because of her expertise and leadership skills, Dr. Wills has served on several Canadian national committees. She served on various Canadian government councils examining the groups in Canada. One such committee was responsible for helping to formulate a multicultural policy for Canada resulting in increased recognition of the plight of "Visible Minorities". Dr. Wills is a member of the Order of Canada and one of the founding members of the National Black Coalition of Canada. Now retired, Dr. Wills supports her own primary school, the Roseau Primary School Project, a charity in Dominica. Dr. Wills is an Honorary Councillor of the Montreal Council of Women. Below is a collage of photos taken at her honorary dinner. Members of MCW attended to honor Dr. Wills, one of our esteemed members.
March 22, 2010 - Celebration of "Famous 5" with Sheila Copps at National Arts Centre, Ottawa
"Women must roar!" - The Honorable Sheila Copps
On March 22, 2010, approximately 25 members of MCW, including some of our Board members, attended the Famous 5 Ottawa 2010 Spring Luncheon featuring the Honorable Sheila Copps as a nation builder in the spirit of the Famous 5. The Honorable Sheila Copps, Canada's first woman to serve as Deputy Prime Minister, gave her take on how many more cracks women need to break that glass ceiling. Today she is a political columnist and commentator and has spent a quarter century seeing government from Opposition to Cabinet. This luncheon celebrated her accomplishments and challenges.
Some well known leading Canadian women were also in the audience including: Monique Bégin, Ruth Bell, Mildred L. Burns, Aline Chrétien, Jeanne Maranda, Maureen McTeer, The Honorable Lucie Pépin, Shirley Thompson, Mair Verthuy and Zsuzsanna Zsohar.
View photos of this event in this web photo album: Famous Five Luncheon Photo Album.
December 2, 2009 - MCW Woman of the Year 2009 Gala
View some photos of this event below.
October 21, 2009 - The MCW's "Very Own Famous Five" Event held at Les Jardins du canal. MCW members presented a skit paying tribute to the Famous Five women of Alberta who, in 1929, won the right for women to be deemed “persons†|