The Montreal Council of Women
celebrated its hundredth anniversary in 1993. President Amy Williams and
her organizing committee asked for special memorabilia that would
represent the 80 federated societies that had adhered to MCW over the
l was on that committee and suggested a
"quilt" that would be made of all the emblems/logos of our members. We
asked them to provide their emblem in a special format that could be
integrated in a tapestry. We received an overwhelming enthusiastic
response. I volunteered to work at it. I distributed to all
presidents of our 80 societies a square of sturdy cotton 12X12 inches
that was to be used to illustrate their logo by painting, embroidery,
stitching, etc.. The artists were to respect the size of the sample and
the authenticity of their logo. We even supplied an artist embroiderer,
Shirley Cohen who volunteered to embroider the ones that could not be
done for lack of a volunteer. Shirley embroidered with great skill at
least twenty of them! After six months of work from the artists, we
collected the squares and started to put them together. What a job!
We had to "mix and match"' colors and designs to come out with a real
work of art.
After many hours of shifting the pieces on
my dining room table, discussing the emplacement of the squares, my two
helpers, Mary Howsen and Sophia Economides helped me stitch the squares
on a cotton background, finished the borders, made loops to hang the
tapestry on a curtain rod, and Hallelujah! we came up with a most
interesting piece of "quilting" to show off!. It was beautiful. The
logos were done in varied fashion, colourful, some were very artfully
the day of the MCW ‘s anniversary, the Gazette put our banner on
the first page with a very good article presenting the Council
and its busy members, proudly showing our masterpiece to the
Montrealers. We considered our tapestry a wonderful heritage for
the Council, one to keep and revere for years to come.
Jeanne Maranda